A (Stand) Mixer of my own.

For a very long time now I have wanted to purchase my own stand mixer. And for all of that time I had my heart set on a KitchenAid planetary stand mixer, like Mom had. Because it never broke down, and basically did everything you needed it to (save for food processing). Let's face it, it's the Cadillac of the kitchen with that classic 1950's style. But stand mixers are not cheap, and they are more of a luxury if you don't plan on using them a lot, so I put off purchasing one for a very long time. Now that we are heading to Turkmenistan, and I plan on baking and cooking all the time, it's worth getting one- especially if I am going to be making loaves of bread on a regular basis. So I stared looking online, because I wanted to get the best price I could find for the larger capacity KitchenAid mixer and the attachments, because hey, why would I need to consider any other brand when I could get a KitchenAid and it would last a lifetime- right? Right? Apparently, somewh...