
Showing posts from March, 2019

Order of operations.

“There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.”   ―  Bob Ross            A little over seven months into our time here, we have finally established our daily patterns in order to ensure successful* days. Things are as scheduled and orderly as you can make them when dealing with two very willful children. South Florida is a loud, colorful, hectic mess. But we're ok with that.  At least I think we are!  As mentioned in an earlier post , the kids overall attitude keeps getting better, not worse. I see in them now a level of happiness which was more than my pessimistic little heart dared to hope for  after their run in with Cumbres. Things are still a work in progress (that I accept will be never ending) but they are both doing so well .  I only have to look at their art wall to know that.   Our oldest's school is really working with her (and us) as we navigate through  ESE  in Florida. We are now at the stage where she is being formally assessed at school. After