
When a person goes off for Foreign Service training, their belongings (courtesy of the USG) are packed up and shipped off- their final destination a storage facility located in a place called 'Hagerstown'. During the packing/moving phase they also highly that you have the movers write the exact contents of the box ON THE BOX. Which our movers did. Kind of. I also took a picture of each box, just to be safe, but to be honest it was a horrible pack-out and move since I actually had movers walk out on me during day two (I should probably just make a separate post about those two days). Anyways, once you give the go ahead for the U.S. government to come on in and pack/ship your stuff, you are given a book that tells you everything you need to know about moving AND some very important information about accessing/ reviewing your stuff once it has been hauled off.
1. You only get one free admission to the Hagerstown storage facility. Any visit beyond the first is on your di...