Ich liebe es. For the most part.

This is going to be a really long post, in which I will be complaining a lot in places, but I have had to bottle it all up for a little over three months now, so sorry in advance. We have been in Berlin since February, and you would think I'd have posted an entry sometime before now. But i've been busy because this is Berlin and I can pretty much go anywhere I want in the city, kid in tow, on foot or by public transportation. The polizei are not pajalsta-stick waving bribe collectors. If your German isn't perfect (like mine), people will often switch to English which can be a good thing or a bad thing. You can find almost anything on the local economy, albeit you may have to hunt for it or pay more for it than you normally would. There are a lot of things to see here, and if you have a lot of time on your hands (and money) you can see it all. So basically, day to day living here on the whole is like Shangri-La compared to our last posting. Sur...