Ten years.

Ten years ago Mike and I walked into a pet store to 'window shop'. I was looking at a boxer puppy when Mike came over and urged me to take a look at this other puppy in the store. I remember asking him what kid of a dog it was, and (knowing that this would probably be the best way to get me over there) he told me it was just like the dog in Mad Max. For those of you who do not fall into the geek category, the 'Mad Max' dog, or if you are a gamer the "Fallout' dog is an Australian Cattle Dog. Specifically, a blue heeler. The puppy he showed me looked like a German shepherd that had been dipped in powdered sugar. She was an adorable, big eared puppy that wiggled and yipped.She ended up leaving the store with us that day. She was far from the perfect dog. It took forever to potty train her. She never mastered walking on a lead (always wanting to herd us, or other people and animals that she saw). To this day she is still a very mouthy dog, obsessed w...