The Most Dangerous Game

Have I mentioned we like to cook? We do. And when conditions allow for it, we like to invite as many of our friends at post over for food as we can. Sometimes, we can get away with it easily because we have the space, like when we were in Ashgabat. Sometimes, like here, not so much. There's a limit to how many people we can find room for, so all our events at the home have been smaller as a result. This past week was the embassy thanksgiving potluck / trivia night. As we won't really be celebrating Thanksgiving at post, we brought our Thanksgiving (minus our yams :( ) to the potluck. As it was not in our house, this made it even easier to make food for more than eight people. We ended up bringing a turkey, gravy, green bean casserole, corn, and last but not least, flan. For those of you who don't know what flan is- it is a custard dessert, made with sweetened condensed milk. You could say it is similar to Crème brûlée (which I also like) , but you would be wrong beca...