Advice from strangers.

If you have kids, you are going to hear advice (asked or not), from everyone. Most of the time, it's from people you know. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not. And sometimes, it is rude. Usually, the rude advices comes from strangers. Here in Germany, I have have three (3) encounters with strangers involving 'advice' regarding my kids. Two of those instances were relatively benign. The third was not. The first encounter was with a German mom at one of the local Kinder Cafes*. I had gone to the kindercafe thinking, "Hey, I can hang out with some other moms and Olivia can play". Then I realized that walls blocked half of the kindercafe off from the front end (where the parents hang out). After a few minutes of Olivia trying to pilfer other people's food items, snagging toys from other kids, and in general being a bit of a bruiser, I was rethinking the decision to go. So you can imagine how mortified I was when a German mom approached me with her little...