
Showing posts from February, 2015


There are a lot of pastry-related disappointments to be found in Berlin (food-wise). Many of them are apple flavored. However, If you find yourself in Berlin (in the morning, people!) near a Der B äcker Feihl Yes, too lazy to rotate the image.  Do yourself a favor and go buy yourself a Kirsch Plunder (Cherry Plunder). It is probably one of the best pastries you can pick up at any of the local bakeries. I bought all the remaining kirsch plunder (7) from our local store.    If you are reading this from somewhere outside Germany, you can always make your own using this recipe .

Thoughts about life during a purge.

It is almost the end of February now. I have been slowly but surely eliminating the crap we have built up around the apartment from two years of living in Berlin. Between purging junk and dealing with kiddos, I have had a lot of time to think about the "FS Life", and form what i've learned in the almost five years we have been doing it into a list I keep revising as I think of new things. I realize that almost five years is nothing compared to some people that have been doing this for ten, twenty or more years. But length of time spent doing something doesn't make a person's experiences or thoughts on the matter more or less valid. As this is my own personal blog, I would like to reiterate that what I am about to say will a) probably piss someone or many someones off, and b) is my own opinion, and is not representative of the US government, the State Department, or any other agency. Also, I tend to be pretty catty, mean and sarcastic. You have been warned. My li...