Creature comforts

As I have mentioned before, food is a pretty big concern for us, and for most people overseas and far from home. When I was younger, I loved sweets. Nowadays, I still like sweets, but overall I tend to gravitate more toward savory foods. In Germany, we were very lucky (depending on how you look at it) to a) have a great bagel shop across the street from us and b) have a lot of Dunkin Donuts. Here in Sarajevo, aside from the oddball 'Italian doughnut' booth at a winter market, neither are present. So if you have a craving for one or the other, you really have only one option. DIY. That was my day yesterday. The end result being we had donuts and bagels, and a house that smelled like a donut shop. Today has not been that ambitious. It was, for the most part, an ugly grey rainy day where for a brief ten minutes we saw a ray of sun. And then it went away. I did end up making more bagels today (because, bagels ), but not the d...