Trick or treat

Today is Halloween. Today is handshake day. We now (officially) know where we're going for our next tour. Home for the next few years is... (drum roll) SOON(ish) Mérida , Mexico! To say that we are happy about our next post would be an understatement. Honestly, when it came up on the list, I didn't think we'd get it because of reasons . But we did. For once, I will not have to worry about language (the bane of all spouses married to a specialist because they don't get language training), because I already have Spanish. The kids will get to learn it in school, and probably become way more fluent than me, which is awesome and terrifying at the same time. We will be a short plane trip to the US, so our PCS jet-lag with 2 kids won't be horrendous. There are tons of awesome things to see. All the Mayan ruins and visits to cenotes! Beaches you can drive to! For us, handshake day has definitely been a treat.