
So we are well into our third month at post, and I admit my last in-depth entry sounded pretty horrible. It really felt that dire at the time. Three months in, life in the Yucatan is still a work in progress, but for right now it's more manageable? Or at least, the problems seem to have lessened in severity? A dramatic entrance! Our Halloween party was small, but apparently a success. Since the house was so barren, we left everything up except for the inflatables (like the one above!) until our HHE arrived. Now, with the Halloween decorations down and most of our stuff in place, the house feels less like a horrible vacation rental and more like a home. We probably looked like weirdos to people stopping by the house with all the Halloween stuff hanging up after the holiday, but who cares. Our first visitor came by this month- which was nice. Not a long visit, but it was good to have a visitor, doubly so that it was abuela (my mom) visiting. The kids were beyond excite...